为地球贡献 1%
所有 Zea 产品均采用 100% 天然亲肤成分配制而成。


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在锻炼前后照顾好您的身体非常重要,Zea 的 Active Muscle Recovery Trio 让这项工作变得简单。它结合了三种高效的运动恢复产品,可以放松和恢复身体。

MAGZEA™ 运动清凉喷雾结合了昆士亚的抗炎特性、镁的肌肉松弛功效和薄荷的清凉效果——所有这些都在一个喷雾瓶中!这种关键活性成分的组合可能有助于更持久地缓解疲倦的身体和延迟性肌肉酸痛 (DOMS)。

镁油局部喷雾 是一种高度浓缩的镁盐水,以其天然形式从地球中提取。作为 MAGZEA 的替代品,这种无味喷雾有助于提高身体的镁含量,同时还有助于皮肤修复和补水、舒缓肌肉酸痛并促进深度睡眠和放松。涂抹后很好用 昆士亚镇痛霜

MAGZEA™运动恢复盐专为充满活力的生活方式而设计。精心混合 100% 天然氯化镁薄片和澳大利亚精油的额外好处——您可以放松身心,同时消除任何肌肉酸痛和紧张感。浸泡 20 分钟有助于舒缓和恢复身体活力。

众所周知,镁是我们体内最重要的矿物质之一。这对我们的整体健康和福祉至关重要。外用氯化镁 (MgCl2) 是一种非常简单且经济高效的快速增加细胞镁水平的方法。 Zea Active Muscle Recovery Trio 包含三种主要的镁产品,它们可以单独使用或相互结合使用,以提高身体的镁水平。


为地球贡献 1%
所有 Zea 产品均采用 100% 天然亲肤成分配制而成。


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Customer Reviews

Based on 128 reviews
S.H. (Adelaide, SA, AU)

I have been using the Zea range of products for a number of years now and find they all give amazing relief.
I have even started using them on my 12 year old staffy, who suffers from arthritis.
The products work amazingly well for her and she now looks forward to he daily rub down with the products which give her a second lease on life.

Melissa Brennan (Gold Coast, QLD, AU)
kanzea cream and Magnesium spray

Had a knee replaced in early may and recently been having a burning sensation in the area around my left knee which I am told is the nerves repairing so I am using the cream and MAGNESIUM oil before I go to sleep at night so I don't get woken during the night with the Burning feeling so it is great.

Jordan Perko (Mandurah, WA, AU)
Miracle remedy

I always spray my aching legs after a daily walk with my husky puppy Maxon. Not long after I feel relief and loosening of muscle tension. For that reason I'm going to take the liberty of saying exactly what the greatest singer Tina Turner sang in one of her songs "you're simply the best". The last time I bought this product I gave it to my bestie who cannot praise it enough. I would recommend this product to everyone.

Kathy Johnson (Sydney, NSW, AU)
Magzea cooling spray

I have been using Magzea cooling spray since it was added to the Kunzea range and it really works to relieve aches and pain for me. I spray twice daily on any areas that are tender, as I have some arthritis and lower back stiffness. also after a bath with Kunzea, bath salts, Also Love it’s cooling, calming relief after yoga or gym at least 4 times a week.

SuzanneG (Brisbane, QLD, AU)
Amazing Product

Suffering with Fibromyalgia for years I was keen to try a natural product to help with my ongoing pain. After trying Zea Relief products for muscles I was very keen to give their Magzea Active products a try. Not using it for long I’m also impressed with the relief I receive from it so far. Nothing is a cure for my ongoing disease but to get some relief is helping me deal with day to day life. Thank you Zea

Shirley Keeble (Maitland, NSW, AU)

I find it very good even if I don’t play sport, I do light gardening & short walks that’s all I xx an manage( to old & have copd) so I use it before & after, as I have pain in knees a pinned fractured femur that is aching & have had lots of broken ribs & crakes sternum since I was taken off strong pain killers they ache a lot, now with your Kunzea cream etc it is now bearable, thankyou ,
